melting ice, as little clothing as possible, and flip flops - this is what a texas summer means to me - i felt this was an appropriate post since it reached upwards of 105 degrees last week - and no, that is not a type-o - so, friends and family currently living up north take heed - STAY WHERE YOU ARE!
a client recently asked for a favor - to document the damage done to one of his properties after a break-in - expecting to find broken windows and damaged door jams, i found myself shaking my head in disbelief as i entered the home... clumsy graffiti covering every wall and door, carpet singed from fireworks, piles of beer cans, rotting pizza and marinara footprints, cigarettes extinguished on counter tops, and so on... i chose this particular photo because i found it to be the most defiant - amazing - as jaded as i am, some people still shock the hell out of me
this weekend was about the celebration of our country's independence - but instead, i decided to celebrate the birth of my friend kandi! good food, good friends, good laughs, good times
and on a side note, we dined on one of kandi's favorites...mollejas - curious? let's just say it's a gland, and leave it at that.