in the span of two days, i managed to drive up to oklahoma to watch craig ferguson live, down to arlington for my second monster jam in one month, and back to dallas for a wine tasting at the ritz - the little obsessions and interests of my friends, in combination with my own, have resulted in a series of ongoing spontaneous adventures - and i can't wait to see where we end up next!
i've probably been watching neff perform for about ten years now - and i've always thought he was without a doubt, the best singer i have ever heard - after all of this time, my opinion hasn't changed, and neither has his talent - and bonus, he is probably the best looking guy i have ever seen in real life - click here for more shots from this denton good time
this weekend i ventured out to houston, met up with one of my best and most missed friends, and experienced my first monster jam - and what a loud, gas filled, vibrating, car crushing, truck rolling good time it was - click here to see more monsters

it's great to be immersed in the art world again - free wine and great people watching aside - there is never a shortage of innovative new talent to explore and fascinating people with which to converse - and lucky me, dallas' art scene just so happens to be bursting at the seams with great shows to attend - to see some of the work from this show, check out matt's site right here