last weekend i photographed a personal trainer for advertising purposes - yep, it's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it... and i'm looking forward to future sessions together - but next time with weights instead of camera equipment
note to self: when a french pastry chef says something like 'it's really not all that hard' - remember that they are a french pastry chef, and you are not for christmas dessert this year i tackled the towering croquembouche(which means 'crack in mouth' in french) little caramel cream filled puff pastries, 'glued' together with caramel, and wrapped in spun sugar - definitely a labor of love, but well worth it because it was definitely delicious!
this weekend i went to a cops and robbers christmas party (it's a long story - only in denton) and at some point during the night we were all 'arrested' here to see the rest of the mugshots
everything in the above photos is made of ice (except for my sister and my dad)
dr. seuss's life size who-ville, constructed and sculpted from over 5,000 blocks of ice - it was visually incredible and so much fun - we were given giant parkas to combat the temperature inside that was all of 9 degrees - and as soon as we entered and our breath became visible, we were all instantly 10 again - we took turns on the 20 ft. ice slide - but it was especially entertaining to watch my dad jump in line with all of the other kids for a turn - and as you can see by the look on his face, it was a good ride
this weekend i visited a friend of mine who is now running the bar and restaurant at the ritz carlton downtown - and can i just say, it's good to have friends in high places - and in more than one way - not only did we enjoy a private tour and tasting in the hotel's wine cellar - but his literal high place of 6 feet 8 inches allowed me to feel less gigantic myself, and in heels no less!
and to top off the weekend, we awoke the next chilly morning to enjoy the christmas parade (parade count since august: 3)
it was the first time in a long time that it was just the 4 of us for thanksgiving dinner - and we were all in agreement that it was the best meal to date - years of rehearsal brought about the perfection of turkey, sides, and desserts - and amongst the many advantages of a small thanksgiving gathering, the best is...leftovers for days!
after the cacophony of a gathering crowd and muffled christmas chords made its way into my apartment friday night, i ran downstairs to join in on the festivities - a show complete with a scrooge, a choir, a dancing santa, fireworks, the unveiling of this year's neiman marcus window, and the lighting of dallas' new 60 foot christmas tree - the perfect night for a christmas-lover like myself, and right at my doorstep - literally...i love this city
i booked a portrait session with a new client this weekend and had the best time photographing her three girls on what might have been the most perfect fall day - we spent the afternoon cracking each other up and running around a pretty little park - what a cool gig - i can't wait to fill up my calendar with more of the same
i met a lot of interesting people while shooting in victory park over the weekend - but by far the most entertaining were a group of hootin' and hollerin' ticket scalpers - i must have looked more important than i actually was, with my camera gear and tripod, because they were convinced that i was press and was going to make them famous somehow - i didn't have the heart to tell them i was out shooting for fun, but they wouldn't have believed me anyway - so i had them pose for a shot and promised to mail them a copy
my costume this year was inspired by my fabulous trip to mexico over the summer - and after an hour of makeup, i transformed into a day of the dead skeleton
my all hallows evening was a throw back to my younger and more fun/carefree days - it started at a great house party, moved to my most frequented college bar, and then ended with my favorite rock star
we made our way out to the a.a.c. this weekend for the 'walking with dinosaurs' show - it was unexpectedly amazing! and at times a little scary...the dinosaurs were super realistic, not to mention enormous (check out the tiny guy on the rock - yeah, they were that big) the history lesson made me miss grade school and i was kind of disappointed that there wasn't a pop quiz afterwards
while out on assignment at the W hotel this weekend - i met a beautiful swedish boy, with charm to spare - we got to talking, and it turned out that he was interested in entering the modeling world - so naturally, i asked if he wanted to do an impromptu fashion shoot on the roof of this fabulous hotel - he agreed with the enthusiasm that only an adorable and intoxicating swedish accent can convey...and a few shots later, he became a model, and i expanded my portfolio
i was back in a studio recording this week - i've randomly played with rock, folk, and industrial musicians over the years, but this genre was a first for me - much more uplifting and soft than what i'm used to - it was a challenge, which made it fun - and after a day of recording, i realized how much i've really been missing my cello
if you'd like to take a listen to 'This is Who I Am' by Fred Rush, click here - i come in on the choruses with a little solo in the middle - they recorded my lower harmony and then layered my melody over it - it was kinda fun to listen to myself playing along - i might just have to get a loop so i can rock out with myself everyday!
(i just started another project with a different band and it is very dark and very different - i can't wait to share it, so check back)
when i was considering moving in to this building, my best friend's one and only question was, 'what happens when there's a parade' - which i thought was a random and crazy question - but damnit if there aren't 12 plus parades downtown a year - was anyone else aware of this? - so anyway, now that i live here - i can tell you what happens - if you're trying to get won't - but, if you're already get an awesome view from your window and free v.i.p. parking - i cannot wait for the christmas parade - i plan to throw a parade party - so if you want front row seats, let me know and i will add you to the list!
i returned to denton this weekend (the first time since moving to dallas) and celebrated oktoberfest with the crew - i drank way too much wonderfully hoppy german beer, and spent time with friends i spend way too much time missing - i'm looking forward to the next visit - Bis zum nächstes mal (until next time)
my sister and i went to a cooking class this week - and we learned that...well, that we know a lot more about cooking than either of us realized (and a hell of a lot more than anyone else in our class - evident after several rudimentary questions) so we learned nothing, but the food was great and it was a lot of fun - and that's all that really matters
our first test together went so well, that we decided to do an actual shoot this weekend - and this was one of my favorite shots of the day - turns out i don't need all the fancy lighting equipment that i used to borrow (and currently can't afford to buy) - i got this shot with the help of a breeze, a white wall, and a flash
the over-the-top period fashion shoot is scheduled for october, so stay tuned...
my biological clock is definitely not ticking - however, i do really love photographing kids - with big bright eyes and a constant curiosity, you can capture a thousand beautifully innocent and candid moments just by following them aroundfor a day
gallery director and creative genius brian gibb (my former boss) rolling through his downtown gallery
swing by for a look at the current exhibit, and pick up an original print set from five extraordinary artists for only 100 bucks! you can outfit your pad with artwork to envy, while supporting the relaunch of the nationally accredited art prostitute publication
meet lola - the newest addition to my little family - another step towards crazy cat lady? - maybe, but i can't remember the last time i smiled and laughed so much in one weekend - just days ago, she was recovered in a raid on a dallas-based hoarder - a bit under weight and in need of medication several times daily, she is a fighter and on the road to good health - i'm so glad i was able to save her from such a grim future, and it looks like she will be doing the same for me
i've been shooting architecture for so long now that i almost forgot how fun it was to work with people - this weekend i had a short photo session with an aspiring actress - a precedent to an expanding photography business, and a confirmation that this was what i was made to do - i can't wait for the all day fashion shoot we have planned, and i can't wait to share the results!
this is the view on my way home everyday... jealous much?
When you're alone And life is making you lonely You can always go...downtown When you've got worries, All the noise and the hurry Seems to help, I know...downtown
and the award for best kitsch goes to... it's so refreshing when someone decides to give in to an obsession and just puts their quirkiness on display for all the world to see - oh, and in case you were wondering - yes, the entire house looks like this - how fun!
melting ice, as little clothing as possible, and flip flops - this is what a texas summer means to me - i felt this was an appropriate post since it reached upwards of 105 degrees last week - and no, that is not a type-o - so, friends and family currently living up north take heed - STAY WHERE YOU ARE!
a client recently asked for a favor - to document the damage done to one of his properties after a break-in - expecting to find broken windows and damaged door jams, i found myself shaking my head in disbelief as i entered the home... clumsy graffiti covering every wall and door, carpet singed from fireworks, piles of beer cans, rotting pizza and marinara footprints, cigarettes extinguished on counter tops, and so on... i chose this particular photo because i found it to be the most defiant - amazing - as jaded as i am, some people still shock the hell out of me
this weekend was about the celebration of our country's independence - but instead, i decided to celebrate the birth of my friend kandi! good food, good friends, good laughs, good times
and on a side note, we dined on one of kandi's favorites...mollejas - curious? let's just say it's a gland, and leave it at that.
of course i could never get away with calling them mr. and mrs. jimenez - so, this is cris and bert - the parents of my closest friend - those rare parents that are not afraid to come out to our dirty little denton bars and have a few cheap beers and a smoke with the oftentimes crude locals - i love it.
well, this week i said goodbye to a house that i put a lot of love, and a lot a lot of elbow grease into (yes, it deserves two 'a lot' s) - but hey, at least i have these awesome photos to remember it by...yea.
i just wanted to apologize for the absence of greatness, as i am sure it was a void not easily filled - i recently crashed into a wall of disappointment - and it was paralyzing - but there seems to be a tingling sensation in my fingers and my toes - and i realized that i couldn't keep my anxious fans waiting any longer - so here we go again...
it seems odd that i was born in the deep south of georgia, grew up in texas - and yet, had never been to a crawfish boil until today - i was instructed to rip off the legs, pop off the head, suck out the juice, crack open the shell, and...enjoy - i must admit, it was pretty tasty - but there were an abundance of live mud bugs crawling about - and it was bit like eating a cheeseburger in a field of roaming cattle - i have to say, i think i prefer the anonymity of my food - it keeps me from being a vegetarian
as if photographing multi-million dollar properties during a housing crisis and a drowning economy weren't ironic enough - i drive by this on my way to one of them today - i couldn't resist pulling over to photograph such a symbolic and ominous scene... a vulture, perched atop a dilapidated house, shrouded in a bank of dark and stormy clouds
this is ruca - and yes, i realize the implications (crazy cat lady) of making my first official photo blog about my cat - but i love this photo because it really captures the personality of the subject - kinda beautiful, kinda clueless, and kinda curious - she leans in close to my camera lens, and becomes transfixed by her own reflection.
i thought i would begin this blog by letting you know that...i don't blog. that's right, i'm a blogging virgin - but i am loving the idea of having a space to post the photos i took that have nothing to do with making money, completing shot lists, following guidelines, or working with the ideas of someone else.the resulting blog being full of images that make me happy! (juxtaposed with a little sarcasm, cynicism, and a mix of personal musings and rantings) so as my art class withdrawals still plague me - i've decided to give myself this assignment - and it starts today.