click here to see the rest of this impressive home
i rarely blog about work - my day job that is - in fact, i don't think i've ever blogged about work - but i often have the good fortune of photographing some of the most beautiful structures in the Dallas area - and this house was no exception - i would even go so far as to call it a feat of architecture - the house was primarily made of glass and steel, and curved around the block in a spectacular 'U' shape - the house was designed to wrap around an enormous tree that sits in the middle of the 3 acre lot - with features like an infinity pool that follows along the back side of the house in an identical 'U' formation, 15 foot zinc doors that greet you at the entrance, stunning custom zebra wood built-ins, movable walls, an outdoor shower, and secret hidden rooms, this place was a true dream house - and definitely warranted a blog entry
....oh, and to top it off, there was also an adorable blood hound that completely stole me heart
....oh, and to top it off, there was also an adorable blood hound that completely stole me heart
LOL - you have the same affliction that I do... You type "me" when you really mean to type "my" --- I seriously do it at least once a day!! AWESOME HOUSE though, btw.